June Product Updates And Improvements
Last updated 5th July 2019 • Ethan Mathews • JaeVee
Throughout the last month, we've been focused on several significant new updates, including a streamlined payment service, project transparency and fresh content.
Streamlined payment service
As part of our dedication to meet our legal obligations and develop security, we've updated our payment system to incorporate a new European regulatory requirement, Strong Customer Authentication (SCA).
This introduces two-factor authentication requirements for online payments in Europe.
Fresh Content
We have focused on a total revamp of our articles. Fresh, relevant and informative, each provides an in depth look at a range of topics, including property development, investment and a variety of unique pieces.
Project transparency
To further improve on our open communication policy we have with investors, we have built additional functionality into project updates. Investors can ask for further clarity on project updates by submitting questions directly to us.
Coming soon
We have ambitious plans for introducers coming up within the next month with a brand spanking new platform.
Introducers will be able to invite new clients, manage their projects, monitor their progress and much more.
To top it off, we'll be offering some lucrative commission to support them in delivering new business to us.